La Distillerie is a casual pub/cocktail bar located in the Quartier Latin (300 Rue Ontario Est). Inside, old-looking wooden tables and dimmed lights create a comfortable and unpretentious setting. You’ll notice some cool vintage barrels, which you can actually sit around with your drinking companions. Put together, these elements give Distillerie an authentic, rustic and cabin-like feel. To complement the decor: a blend of upbeat rock music keeps the mood lively and cheerful. The crowd, while varied, consists mostly of twenty somethings, out on dates or drinking with friends. At Distillerie, it’s all about the drinks and the art of mixology. The menu is actually an elaborate pamphlet that describes all seasonal cocktails in detail; information about the ingredients, potency (strength of alcohol) and flavours (sour, bitter, spicy, sweet, etc) is provided for each. The Cocktails Allongés are probably the coolest thing about Distillerie, as they are served in either 500 ml or 1 L mason jars! That’s right, one liter. Must-try cocktails include the Chupa Chupa, made mainly with mango purée and Canadian whiskey, as well as the Sangria Caliente (spicy Sangria), made with strawberry purée and Bird’s eye chili pepper. Ask your waiter to bring you a complementary jar of goldfish crackers to munch on. Distillerie is open from 4:00pm to 3:00am every day of the week, so stop by for a drink after work or stay late and party, the choice is yours. Check out their other locations at 2047 Ave. Mont-Royal and 2656 Rue Masson.
300 Ontario E, Montréal, QC H2X 1H6
(514) 288-7915
- Photo : André Tremblay