Written by Michelle Lawee on 06.01.15

What do yoga and raves have in common? Seemingly, not much (besides finding yourself in precarious positions). Until now. In comes Montreal’s yoga rave: all your favourite poses and positions done in a party atmosphere. No, we aren’t pulling your leg. Think tree pose combined with black lights, loud music, neon body paint, and gear. The Yoga Rave will be hosted on January 8th and will be run by personal trainer Johanna Brenner, the founder of OVida Fitness and also Montreal’s first BUTI-certified instructor.

Buti Glo Yoga Rave Ovida Fitness Montreal3

But let’s backtrack. Not sure what BUTI Yoga is? The exercise part is a fusion of yoga, tribal dance, and plyometrics, which will get that heart rate up and provide you with a high-intensity workout. BUTI yoga places a huge emphasis on female empowerment and embracing the female body. It’s a form of yoga that aims to transform you inside and out, strengthening your core and your mind.

Now back to the rave that will be taking place at Studio Bizz Mont-Royal. All you need to do is dress up in neon or white gear, bring a yoga mat, water bottle, towel, and of course, your positive attitude because it’s sure to be a unique experience. The class starts at 8:45 PM but be sure to get there early so that you can get adorned in body paint (that you’ll likely sweat off) from 8:30 PM.

Buti Glo Yoga Rave Ovida Fitness Montreal4

This is not an experience you’ll want to miss, so be sure to reserve your spot here. The class costs $20, to be paid there (cash or cheque only). To find out more about BUTI Yoga, check out the OVida Fitness website.

Have a meaningful practice!

551 Avenue du Mont Royal Est, Montréal, QC H2J 1W6
(514) 526-2455

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