What is synonymous with Halloween? Pumpkins, candy, lingerie, cross-dressing… wait what? You heard us! Every year, Montreal’s Imperial Cinema puts on The Rocky Horror Picture Show. This year, the show is running from October 30th, 2014 to November 1st, 2014 from 8:00pm to 11:00pm. If you don’t know what to expect, then you’re in for a real treat (or a trick)!
The Rocky Horror Picture Show is one of the most famous Halloween specials. It is a movie and a picture show, but most of all it is an experience. The musical was written Richard O’Brien, who also co-wrote the screenplay to the movie (check out a young Susan Sarandon!). The show presents the live cast performing in front of the movie playing on the big screen. It is one hot mess of a spectacle. Don’t bring your kids (maybe don’t go with your mom or dad either); this show is never appropriate.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show is the story of a young couple who set out on a road trip to visit one of their teachers, but end up with a broken down car (obviously), and a long walk up to a creepy castle (of course) in search for a phone to call for help.
What goes on inside the theater you ask? The experience itself is the biggest entertainment. Many people who go see the show dress up in costume. Costume options include dressing up as any character from the show or putting together your most elaborate lingerie (which applies to both men and women). Many men dress in drag and women in their slinkiest outfits. If you show up in regular clothes, don’t be surprised if you get singled out as a Rocky Horror Picture Show “virgin.” We don’t need to tell you what happens next. If you do come in costume, there is a costume contest on stage.
The show expects the audience to get involved with lots of yelling, singing along, and props. During certain parts of the show, the audience is encouraged to yell (usually profanities when the characters names are mentioned) and throw varied props (such as toast, water, and more, listed here). There is also a segment in the show where everyone gets up and performs a dance routine, which is also found on their website. Make sure you practice the Time Warp dance before going to the show. Don’t worry! It’s very simple. No dance class needed.
Tickets are now on sale so check out their website for ticket prices and purchasing rules. This is a show you need to see at least once in your life (if not more).
1432 Rue de Bleury, Montréal, QC H3B 2W4
(514) 848-7187